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Initiative 24-02 raises wages while protecting YOU from rising costs on essentials like groceries and child care.

In the midst of record inflation, Everett minimum wage workers need a raise. For the same reason, Everett local small businesses and nonprofits are also struggling. We need to raise the wage in Everett in a responsible way, which enables employees and small businesses and non-profits to thrive.

The other initiative on the ballot would increase Everett’s minimum wage in a manner that will lead to a reduction in the critical services our local nonprofits provide and cause our local small businesses to reduce their hours of operation, creating fewer hours for employees.

Initiative 24-02 gives minimum wage workers a raise AND allows small employers and nonprofits to absorb these higher costs sustainably and without dramatically curtailing current operations or impacting the prices you pay for goods and services.

It ensures that minimum wage workers receive a raise while keeping our local economy strong.

Initiative 24-02 raises the minimum wage to the same level as the other initiative on the ballot, while allowing local small businesses to achieve this higher wage by including tips, health care, and retirement payments as a portion of that increase.

This reasonable, responsible model has been used successfully in other cities in our region and is a model that is workable for Everett too.

This ensures Everett local small businesses and nonprofits can continue to support and serve our community.

Inflation is breaking the budgets of Everett’s minimum wage workers, but the solution shouldn’t break the budgets of the nonprofits and local small businesses that employ these hard-working people. We can protect paychecks AND the local businesses that write them. We can raise Everett’s minimum wage in a way that’s good for employees AND their employers.


Let’s raise the wage responsibly. Vote YES on 24-02!

Paid for by Raise the Wage Responsibly sponsored by Washington Hospitality Association (and PAC), PO Box 481, Olympia, WA. 
Top 5 Contributors: Washington Hospitality Association, Washington Hospitality Association PAC, Washington Food Industry Association PAC, Bloomin’ Brands, Inc. PAC, Jeff Pat Chris LLC. Top 3 Donors to PAC Contributors: Washington Hospitality Association, URM Stores, Inc., Rosauers.